1.Peer-reviewed/ Journal

  1. Sutharshiny, S., Deepthi, I.U., Sivapriya, S., Prasanthan, R. and K Sivashanthini. (2024). Effect of an experimental diet enriched with palmyrah fruit on the immune challenge in guppy fish. 12th YSF Symposium. 12(1). 134-139.
  2. Ragavan, N., Kuganathan, S. and Dissanayake, D.C.T. 2024. Effects of juvenile mortality on population dynamics of Penaeus semisulcatus: Fisheries Research, 274 (106991). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2024.106991.
  3. Usgoda. M.S., Gobiraj.S and Sivashanthini.K., 2024. Recreational water quality status of Charty Beach, Jaffna, Sri Lanka. Advances in Technology,3(2), pp.124-134. https://doi.org/10.31357/ait.v3i2.7338
  4. Ebbesen, L.G., Strange, M.V., Gunaalan, K., Paulsen, M.L., Herrera, A., Nielsen, T.G., Shashoua, Y., Lindegren, M., Almeda, R., 2024. Do weathered microplastics impact the planktonic community? A mesocosm approach in the Baltic Sea. Water Research 255, 121500. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2024.121500
  5. Gunaalan, K., Almeda, R., Vianello, A., Lorenz, C., Iordachescu, L., Papacharalampos, K., Nielsen, T.G., Vollertsen, J., 2024. Does water column stratification influence the vertical distribution of microplastics? Environmental Pollution 340, 122865. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2023.122865
  1. Almeda, R., Gunaalan, K., Alonso-López, O., Vilas, A., Clérandeau, C., Loisel, T., Nielsen, T.G., Cachot, J., Beiras, R., 2023. A protocol for lixiviation of micronized plastics for aquatic toxicity testing. Chemosphere 333, 138894. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.138894
  2. Gunaalan, K., Almeda, R., Lorenz, C., Vianello, A., Iordachescu, L., Papacharalampos, K., Rohde Kiær, C.M., Vollertsen, J., Nielsen, T.G., 2023a. Abundance and distribution of microplastics in surface waters of the Kattegat/ Skagerrak (Denmark). Environmental Pollution 318, 120853. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2022.120853
  3. Gunaalan, K., Nielsen, T.G., Rodríguez Torres, R., Lorenz, C., Vianello, A., Andersen, C.A., Vollertsen, J., Almeda, R., 2023b. Is Zooplankton an Entry Point of Microplastics into the Marine Food Web? Environ. Sci. Technol. 57, 11643–11655. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.3c02575
  4. Saruga, K., Sivashanthini, K. and Sutharshiny, S., 2023. Analysis of nutritive value of indigenous livestock feed ingredients in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 1(1), pp.56-66
  5. Arudselven, T., Kirisanth, S., Sivanantham, U., Krishnamoorthy, S., Ragavan, N., Krishnapillai, N., Gobiraj, S., Harichandra, K., Kuganathan, S. and Sathyaruban, S., 2023. Mass Accumulation of Macrophytes along the Northern and Eastern Coasts of Sri Lanka-A Case Study. Vingnanam Journal of Science, Vol. 18 (2), 35-38.
  6. Kuganathan, S., Krishnamoorthy, S., Sivanantham, U., Krishnapillai, N., Harichandra, K. and Sathyaruban, S., 2023. First record of Trichodesmium Erythraeum Ehrenberg ex Gomont (Cyanobacteria) in the Coastal Waters of Kankesanthurai, Northern Sri Lanka. Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences, 39(2), pp.495-507.
  1. Sutharshiny, S., Deepthi Inoka, U., Sivashanthini, K., Harichandra, K. and Partheepan, T., 2022. Grouping the Potential Local Feed Ingredients for Ornamental Fish Feed based on their Nutrient Composition, Cost, and Availability. Adv. Technol. 2022, 2(2), 131-138.
  2. Saruga,K and Sivashanthini, K (2022). Evaluation of culture condition of Azolla pinnata, 10th Young Scientist Forum (YSF) symposium, 18.03.2022 (accepted). Pp 144-148. 
  3. Arulananthan, A.; Herath, V.; Kuganathan, S.; Upasanta, A.; Harishchandra, A. The Status of the Coral Reefs of the Jaffna Peninsula (Northern Sri Lanka), with 36 Coral Species New to Sri Lanka Confirmed by DNA Bar-Coding. Oceans 2021, 2, 509-529. https://doi.org/10.3390/oceans2030029
  1. Sutharshiny, S., Deepthi Inoka, U., Shivatharsiny, Y. and Sivashanthini, K. (2021) ‘Potential natural carotenoid sources for the colouration of ornamental fish: a review’, Aquaculture International. doi: 10.1007/s10499-021-00689-3
  2. Capolupo, M., Gunaalan, K., Booth, A.M., Sørensen, L., Valbonesi, P., Fabbri, E., 2021. The sub-lethal impact of plastic and tire rubber leachates on the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. Environmental Pollution 283, 117081. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2021.117081
  3. Sutharshiny, S., Shobana, C. and Sivashanthini, K. (2021) ‘Determination of freshness quality changes using selective methods: A comparative study for eclipse parrotfish (Scarus russelii) and spangled emperor (Lethrinus nebulosus)’, Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 20(1), pp. 243–253. doi: 10.22092/ijfs.2021.123555
  4. Ragavan, N., Dissanayake, D. C. T. and Kuganathan, S. (2021) ‘Status of the fishery of Jaffna lagoon, Sri Lanka’, Sri Lanka Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 26(1), p. 55. doi: 10.4038/sljas.v26i1.7584
  5. Patrick, A.E.S., Kuganathan, S. and Edirisinghe, U. (2021) ‘Length-Weight Relationships and Growth Patterns of Local Fishes of the Medium Perennial Vavuniya Reservoir, Sri Lanka’, Parkistan Journal of Zoology, pp. 1–9. https://dx.doi.org/10.17582/journal.pjz/ 20181106161128
  1. Nilakshana, K., Shobiya, P., Dilini, J., Ragavan, N., Sivashanthini, K. and Sutharshiny, S., 2021. Contribution of Women in Fisheries and Fishery Related Activities in Ponnalai, Jaffna, Sri Lanka. Vingnanam Journal of Science, 16(1), p.16
  2. Gobiraj, R., Shobiya, P., and Sivashanthini, K (2020). Keeping fish as pets: perceptions from fish owners in Nallur, Jaffna, Sri Lanka, Proceeding of the Open University Research Sessions, The Open University of Sri Lanka. pp21.
  3. Thapeetha, Y., Digamadulla, K.S., Sashikesh, G. and Sivashanthini, K., 2020. Determination of chitin content in shells of selected crab species available in Jaffna. Vingnanam Journal of Science, 15(1), pp. 15 – 18.
  4. Gunaalan, K., Fabbri, E., Capolupo, M., 2020. The hidden threat of plastic leachates: A critical review on their impacts on aquatic organisms. Water Research. 184, 116170. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2020.116170
  5. Warnasuriya, T., Gunaalan, K. and Gunasekara, S. (2018). Google Earth: A New Resource for Shoreline Change Estimation—Case Study from Jaffna Peninsula, Sri Lanka. Marine Geodesy, 41(6), pp.546-580.
  6. Vithursha, T., Sivashanthini, K. and Gunaalan, K., 2020. Economic Loss of Northern Fishers due to the Poaching Activities of Indian Trawlers. Vingnanam Journal of Science, 14(2), pp. 27 –
  7. Shobiya, P., Sivashanthini, K., Sutharshiny, S., Saruga, S. and Gunaalan, K., 2020. Variations in Important Water Quality Parameters and Fish Species in Thondaimanaru Lagoon, Jaffna, Sri Lanka. Vingnanam Journal of Science, 14(2), pp 21 – 25.
  8. Saruga, S., Sivashanthini, K., Sutharshiny, S., Gunaalan, K. and Shobiya, P., 2020. Ecological Footprints for Aquaculture Possibility in Selected Mangrove Regions of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. Vingnanam Journal of Science, 14(2), pp. 15 – 19.
  9. Ashani Arulananthan, Venura Herath, Sivashanthini Kuganathan, Akila Harishchandra and W.A.A. Upasantha Kumara. 2020. The untouched rainforest of the ocean: Exploring the coral reefs of Jaffna. “LORIS” Journal of the wildlife and nature protection society of Sri Lanka. PP. 32- 34, Volume 28, Issue 6. ISSN: 0024-6514.
  1. Shobiya, P., Sivashanthini, K., Sutharshiny, S and Gunaalan, K., (2019). Impacts of the Thondaimanaru Barrage Construction on Socio-Economic Status of Fishing Coomunities in Thondaimanaru Lagoon, Jaffna, Sri Lanka. Vingnanam, 14 (1). pp 27- 31.
  1. Sutharshiny, S, C. Shobana and Sivashanthini, K., 2018. Aerobic bacterial count and sensory properties of Penaeus semisulcatus During refrigerated storage. Proceedings of the 7th YSF Symposium, National Science and Technology Commission. Pp 157-161. (Short Communication) 22 December, 2018. [Accepted & Presented]
  2. Kalaivanan, K., Sutharshiny, S and Sivashanthini, K., 2018. Comparative study on bycatch of selected small scale fisheries in Jaffna, Sri Lankan. Proceedings of the 7th YSF Symposium, National Science and Technology Commission. Pp 62-65. (Short Communication).
  3. Tharmine, K. Sivashanthini and U. Edrisinghe (2018) Socio Economic Status of Crab Fishers and Marketers in Navanthurai Fishing Village in Jaffna Estuary, Sri Lanka . Tropical Agricultural research. 29(3) 322-329
  4. Gunaalan, K., Ranagalage, M., Gunarathna, M., Kumari, M., Vithanage, M., Srivaratharasan, T., Saravanan, S. and Warnasuriya, T. (2018). Application of Geospatial Techniques for Groundwater Quality and Availability Assessment: A Case Study in Jaffna Peninsula, Sri Lanka. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 7(1), p.20.
  5. K Veronika, U Edrisinghe, K Sivashanthini, A Athauda (2018) Length-weight relationships of four different sea cucumber species in North-East coastal region of Sri Lanka. Tropical Agricultural research. 29(2) 212-217.
  1. Vithursha Tharmakokilam., Sivashanthini Kuganathan., and Gunaalan Kuddithamby.(2017). Comparison of Socio-Economic Status of Fishers in Karainagar, Point Pedro and Mathagal Village, Jaffna. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)-2018, Vol 97 – 100.
  2. Senatheradigamadulla, K.M.D, Thavaranjit, A.C. and Sivashanthini, K. (2016). Spatiality and species diversity of the critical seagrass population in the curvier basin of Jaffna Lagoon at coherent Mandaitheevu coastline. Proceeding of the 5th YSF Symposium, 24 -27.
  3. Ashani, A., Herath, H, M, V, G., Sivashanthini, K., Kumara,W, A , A, U., and Harishchandra, A., 2018. Algal dominance and impacts of tourism on coral reefs in Casuarina beach, Karainagar island, Jaffna peninsula, Sri Lanka. Tropical Agricultural research. 30(2): 89-9
  4. AES Patrick, S Kuganathan, U Edirisinghe (2017). Species composition and abundance of fishes with seasonal fluctuations of rainfall and water level in Vavuniya reservoir, Sri Lanka. International Research Journal of Enviornmental Sciences 6(6): 12-21.
  5. Veronika, K., Edrisinghe, U., Sivashanthini, K. and Athauda, A.R.S.B., 2017. Present status of holothurian fisheries in mullaitivu coastal waters in North-East region of Sri Lanka. Tropical Agricultural research. 28(3): 216-222.
  6. Umasuthan, S., Patrick, A.E.S., Naveendrakumar, G. and Kuganathan, S., 2017. Developmental abnormalities of Bettasplendens embryos reared in oil and grease contaminated water samples of Vavuniya reservoir, Sri Lanka. International Reseacrh Journal of Biological Science, 6(4):27-31
  1. Senathera Digamadulla, K.M.D, Sivashanthini, K and Thavaranjit, A.C., 2016. Presence of Saprolegnia spp. (Oomycetes) in the Sivanamman Pond and its Characteristic Features. Vingnanam. 12(1&2): 32-41.
  2. Ragavan,N. , Sivashanthini, K., and Sutharshiny,S., 2016. Socio economics status of fishermen from Allaipiddy village, Jaffna. Vingnanam, 12(1&2): 42-48.
  3. Sivashanthini, K., Sutharshiny, S., Gunaalan, K., Tharmine, A.,Veronikam, K. and Senathera digamadulla, K.M.D., 2016. Important physico-chemical parameters and sediment characteristics of some selected sites in the Jaffna estuary. Vingnanam, 13(1&2): 51-66.
  4. Ketharani, U. and Sivashanthini, K., 2016. Nutritional Composition of Selected Species of Sea cucumbers from Waters around Jaffna Peninsula, Sri Lanka Vingnanam, 13(1&2): 67-72.
  5. Patrick, A.E.S, Kuganathan, S., Seasonal Hydro – Climatic consequences of Fish Harvest in the Vavuniya Reservoir, Sri Lanka., 2016. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences, Pg.55 -62.
  1. Patrick, A.E.S, Kuganathan, S., and U.Edirisinghe., 2015. Effects of Hydro- Climatic Fluctuations on Catchability of fish in vavuniya Reservoir, Sri lanka. Tropical Agricultural research, 26(2): 402-408.
  2. Veronika, K., Edirisinghe, U., Sivashanthini, K., and A.R.S.B.Athauda., 2015. Abundance and Diversity of Sea cucumber in Point Pedro coastal waters in Jaffna Peninsula of Sri Lanka. Tropical Agricultural research, 27(2): 182-189.
  3. Tharmine, N., Edirisinghe, U. and Sivashanthini, K., 2014. The state of Diversity and species composition of crabs in Navanthurai Coastal Area in Jaffna Peninsula of Sri Lanka. Tropical Agricultural research. 25(4): 495-501.
  1. Patrick, A.E.S, Kuganathan, S., and U.Edirisinghe., 2015. Effects of Hydro- Climatic Fluctuations on Catchability of fish in vavuniya Reservoir, Sri lanka. Tropical Agricultural research, 26(2): 402-408.
  2. Veronika, K., Edirisinghe, U., Sivashanthini, K., and A.R.S.B.Athauda., 2015. Abundance and Diversity of Sea cucumber in Point Pedro coastal waters in Jaffna Peninsula of Sri Lanka. Tropical Agricultural research, 27(2): 182-189.
  3. Tharmine, N., Edirisinghe, U. and Sivashanthini, K., 2014. The state of Diversity and species composition of crabs in Navanthurai Coastal Area in Jaffna Peninsula of Sri Lanka. Tropical Agricultural research. 25(4): 495-501.
  1. Thulasitha, W.S. and Sivashanthini, K. (2013). Microscopic Staging System used in the Identification of Gonad Developmental Stages of Scomberoides lysan. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 8: 355-366.
  2. Thulasitha, W.S. and Sivashanthini, K. (2013). Reproductive characteristics of doublespotted queenfish, Scomberoides lysan (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Carangidae), from Sri Lankan waters: Implications fro Fisheries Management. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, 43(1): 7-13.
  3. Sutharshiny, K. Sivashanthini and W.S. Thulasitha, (2013). Lipid Changes in Relation to Maturation and Spawning of Tropical Double  Spotted  Queenfish, Scomberoides  lysan (Forsskål, 1775). Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 8: 555-570.
  1. Thulasitha, W.S. and Sivashanthini, K. (2012). Growth pattern and Length-weight relationship of Scomberoides lysan (Pisces: Carangidae) from the Northern waters of Sri Lanka. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 7(1): 57-64.
  2. Sivashanthini, K. Vivekshan Revel, S. and Thavaranjit, A.C. 2012. Comparative study on organoleptic, microbiological and biochemical qualities of commercially and experimentally prepared salted and sundried fish Scomberoides commersonianus. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances., 7:1270-1289.
  1. Charles, G. A. and Sivashanthini, K. (2011). Population Dynamics of Squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana (Lesson, 1830) from the Northern Coast of Sri Lanka. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 6(1): 74-84.
  2. Sutharshiny, S. and Sivashanthini, K. (2011). Total lipid and cholesterol content in the flesh of the five important commercial fishes from waters around Jaffna peninsula, Sri Lanka. International Journal of Biological Chemistry, 5(2): 161-169.
  3. S.Shutharshan and K. Sivashanthini, 2011. Growth Characteristics of Slender Silver- biddies Gerres oblongus (Pisces: Perciformes) from the Jaffna Lagoon, Sri Lanka. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 6(6): 592-603.
  4. Sutharshiny, S. and Sivashanthini, K. (2011). Lipid reserves of Scomberoides lysan (Pisces: Carangidae) from the Sri Lankan waters. International Journal of Biological Chemistry, 5(3): 170-183.
  5. Sutharshiny, S. and Sivashanthini, K. (2011). Proximate composition of three species of Scomberoides fish from Sri Lankan waters. International Journal of Biological Chemistry, 3(3): 103-111.
  6. Sivashanthini, K., Thulasitha, W. S. and Charles, G. A. (2010). Reproductive characteristics of Sepioteuthis lessoniana from the Northern coast of Sri Lanka. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science: 5(1): 12-22.
  7. Sivashanthini, K. (2008). Reproductive biology of the whipfin silverbiddy Gerres filamentosus Cuvier, 1829 from the Parangipettai waters (SE coast of India). Asian Fisheries Science: Vol. 21(2): 127-145.
  8. Abyerami, B. and Sivashanthini, K. (2008). Some aspects on the feeding of Gerres oblongus (Cuvier, 1830) dwelling from the Jaffna lagoon. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. Vol. 11(9): 1252-1257.
  9. Sivashanthini, K. (2008). Length-weight relationships and condition of gerreids (Pisces: Gerreidae) from the Parangipettai waters (SE coast of India). Asian Fisheries Science: Vol. 21(4): 405-419.
  10. Shutharsan, S. and Sivashanthini, K. (2008).  First record of three species of Gerreids (Pisces: Perciformes) from the Jaffna lagoon, Sri Lanka. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 3 (5): 334-339.
  11. Sivashanthini, K., Charles, G. A. and Shutharshan, S. (2008). Fecundity studies of Gerres abbreviatus (BLEEKER, 1850) from the Jaffna lagoon, Sri Lanka. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 3 (5): 320-327.
  12. Abyerami, B. and Sivashanthini, K. (2008). Diversity of snakes from the Jaffna peninsula, Sri  Lanka. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. Vol. 11(16): 1969-1978.
  13. Abyerami, B. and Sivashanthini, K. (2008). Current Status of Marine Snakes from Jaffna Peninsula, Sri Lanka with Description of Hitherto unrecorded Hydrophis fasciatus fasciatus (Schneider, 1799). International Journal of Zoological Research. Vol. 4(4): 214-224.
  14. Kuganathan, S. (2006). Population dynamics of Gerres abbreviatus Bleeker, 1850 from the Parangipettai waters, southeast coast of India. Sri Lanka Journal of Aquatic Sciences. Vol. 11: 1-
  15. Abyerami, B. and Sivashanthini, K. (2006).  Scincid Lizards of Jaffna Peninsula with notes on Taxonomy and Ecology. International symposium of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka 4th to 8th July 2006:  121-128.
  16. Sivashanthini, K. (2006).  Breeding Biology of a Silver Biddy, Gerres  abbreviatus Bleeker, 1850 from the Jaffna Lagoon, Sri Lanka. International symposium of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka 4th to 8th July 2006:  88-97

2.Abstract - Presented at National forums

  • Ragavan, N., Kuganathan, S. and Dissanayake, D.C.T. 2024. Effects of juvenile mortality on population dynamics of Penaeus semisulcatus: Fisheries Research, 274 (106991).
  • Yogarajha, V., Gobiraj, S. and Kuganathan, S., 2024. Assesment of different sized marine plastic litter on the northern shore of Sri Lanka. 1st International conference on Plastics & Environmental Sustainability 2024, The Open University of Sri Lanka.pp.72
  • Shobiya, G., Thenakoon, T, M, D, L. and Sivashanthini, K., 2024. Beach Cleanliness using the Clean Coast Index at a Recreational Beach: A Case Study of Charty Beach, Northern Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 28th International Forestry and Environment Symposium 2024 of the Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka.pp.98
  • Yogarajha, V., Gobiraj, S. and Kuganathan, S., 2024. Environmental Health Assessments of Beaches using Beach Quality Indexes. Proceedings of the 28th International Forestry and Environment Symposium 2024 of the Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka.pp.87
  • Ragavan, N., Kuganathan., Alam., M.S., and D.C.T. Dissanayake., 2023., Assessing the stock status of Metapenaeus monoceros (Miers, 1878) in Jaffna lagoon using length-based indicators: Implications for sustainable fisheries management, Conference: 2nd International Seminar on Fish and Fisheries Sciences (2nd ISFFS), Bali, Indonesia.
  • Shamanthi, I., Ragavan, N., and Kuganathan, S., 2023. Morphometric length-weight relationships of Penaeus semisulcatus (De Haan,1884) from trawl catches at Gurunagar, Jaffna. 29th Annual Scientific Sessions, Jaffna Science Association, Jaffna.
  • Janani, N., Wickramaratne, I.U., Ragavan, N., 2023. Preliminary study of bycatch and discards composition of shrimp fyke net fishery in Gurunagar, Sri Lanka. In: 7th International Research Conference of Uva Wellassa University, Badulla, Sri Lanka.
  • Shamanthi, I., Arthiyan, S., Harichandra, K., Ragavan, N., and Kuganathan, S., 2023. Catch composition and seasonal variations of shrimp trawl landings with new species records off Gurunagar coast, Northern Sri Lanka. Proceedings of FARS2023, Faculty of Applied Science, University of Vavuniya, Vavuniya.
  • Shobiya, G., Sivashanthini, K., Grøsvik, B.E. and Deeptha, A., 2023. Microplastic Abundance and its Relationship with Environmental Factors at Beaches Along Northern Sri Lanka. Annual Research Session 2023, Faculty of Science, Eastern University.pp.16



  • Sivagini,K., Sivashanthini K., Jeyavanan,K., Sutharshiny,S., and Velauthamurty,K (2021). Application of seaweed waste as Fertilizers on growth and yield performance of Brinjal (Solanum melongena) International Conference on Environmental Governance
  • MS., Gobiraj.S and Sivashanthini.K., 2021.Assessment of Marine Water Quality for Recreation and Bathing Purposes in Charty Beach, Jaffna, Sri Lanka. in Proceedings of Eighth International Conference of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka (ICSUSL 2021) pp.76.
  • Thennakoon, T, M, D, L., Shobiya, P., and Sivashanthini, K., 2021. Quantification and Categorization of Marine Debris in Charty beach, Jaffna, Sri Lanka, Proceedings of Technological Advances in Science, Medicine and Engineering Conference 2021.pp73-74
  • Ginthusha,S., Sivashanthini,K., and Sutharshiny,S (2021). Evaluation of mosquito fern as low cost feed on the growth performance of Poecilia sphenops (Family Poeciliidae), Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
  • Thakshini, K., and Sivashanthini, K (2021). Developmental stages of Sardinella gibbosa with special attention to Microscopic staging of gonads, Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, 27th Annual Scientific Sessions
  • Sutharshiny, S., Uluwaduge, D.I., and Sivashanthini, K., Harichandra, K. and Partheepan, T., 2021. Clustering the local feed ingredients for ornamental fish species on the basis of their proximate composition, price, and availability. International conference on innovation and emerging technologies. Faculty of Technology, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. 182
  • Saruga,K and Sivashanthini, K (2021). Chemical composition of Azolla – as a livestock feed in Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the 41 st Annual Sessions of Institute of Biology.pp74
  • Sathyaruban, S., Krishnapillai, N., Uluwaduge, D.I. and Kuganathan, S., 2021. Variations of the Palmyrah (Borassus flabellifer L) fruit quality in Jaffna district. Young Scientists’ Conference on Multidisciplinary Research. Young Scientists’ Association of National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy. 24.

  • Saruga, K., Sivashanthini, K. and Ragnar. L. Olsen., 2020. Some nutritional properties of Leiognathus sp., a common by-catch from shrimp trawl fishery in Jaffna, Sri Lanka. In Proceedings of the 40th Annual sessions, Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka. pp83.
  • Gobiraj, R., Shobiya, P., and Sivashanthini, K (2020). Keeping fish as pets: perceptions from fish owners in Nallur, Jaffna, Sri Lanka, Proceeding of the Open University Research Sessions, The Open University of Sri Lanka. pp21.
  • Fernando, A, S, R., Shobiya, P., Ragavan, N., and Sivashanthini, K (2020). Assessment of selected water quality parameters in Kakkaitheevu lagoon, Jaffna, Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the research symposium for Biological students, University of Jaffna pp14.
  • Shri Shayanutha. J, Sivashanthini. K, Ashani. A (2020). Comparison of sample preservation techniques for DNA extraction from porifera and cnidaria. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Fisheries and Aquaculture, pp 43.
  • Nilakshana, K., Sivashanthini, K., Gunaalan, K. and Ragutharan, P. 2020. Cytotoxic potential of different fractions from selected mangrove and mangrove associated plants. 7th International Conference on Fisheries and Aquaculture, pp


  • Naafir, E.M., Ragavan, N., Thapeetha, Y. and Sivashanthini, K. (2020). Fykenet fishery and population parameters of shrimps in the Columbuthurai Landing site of Jaffna Lagoon, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the research symposium for Biological students, University of Jaffna pp 12.
  • Shobiya, P., Uventhikka, S., Sivagini, K., Amarathunga, A, M, H, D., Fernando, A, S, R., and Sivashanthini, K (2020). Marketing Channels and Intermediaries in Gurunagar Fish Market, Jaffna, Sri Lanka, 9 th Annual Science Research Sessions, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka
  • Sivashanthini, K., Gunaalan, K., Harichandra, K., Sutharshiny, S., Warnasuriya, T.W.S. and Ragavan, N. (2019). Salinity variations in surface water systems in Delft Island Sri Lanka. Proceeding of the 39th Annual Sessions of the Institute of Biology, 68.
  • Shobiya, P., Nilakshana, K., Dhanushka Dilini Jayaweera, J.G.B., Ragavan, N., and Sivashanthini, K (2019). Women’s contribution in fisheries and fishery-related activities in Ponnalai, Jaffna, Sri Lanka, 26th Annual Scientific Sessions, Jaffna Science Association, University of Jaffna.pp23
  • Thapeetha, Y., Digamadulla, K.S., Sashikesh, G. and Sivashanthini, K., Chitin extraction from crab shells by using chemical method. 26th Annual Scientific Sessions, Jaffna Science Association, University of Jaffna.pp23
  • Sutharshiny, S., Shivatharsiny, Yohi and Sivashanthini, K. (2019). Determination of Proximate Composition and Crude Yield of Shrimp Shells (Peneaus Semisulcatus). 2nd International Conference on research in Science Engineering and Technology. 1. in Paris, France. November 22–24, 2019
  • Shobiya, P., Sivashanthini,K., (2018). Preliminary studies on microbial pollution in Thondaimanaru lagoon, Jaffna, Sri Lanka, Seventh Annual Science Research Session, South Eastern University. pp 8.
  • Saruga, S., Sivashanthini, K., Gunaalan, K. and Sutharshiny, S., 2018. A study on characteristics of sediment feature of mangrove. International Symposium – South Eastern University, Sri Lanka. 63.
  • Vithursha, T., Sivashanthini, K. and Gunaalan, K., 2018. Economic loss of Northern fishers due to the poaching activities of Indian Trawlers. Vingnanam International Research Conference. 43.
  • Kalaivanan, K., Sutharshiny, S and Sivashanthini, K., 2018. Comparative study on bycatch of selected smallscale fisheries in Jaffna, Sri Lankan. Proceedings of the 7th YSF Symposium, National Science and Technology Commission. Pp 62-65. (Short Communication).
  • Sutharshiny, S, C. Shobana and Sivashanthini, K., Aerobic bacterial count and sensory properties of Penaeus semisulcatus During refrigerated storage. Proceedings of the 7th YSF Symposium, National Science and Technology Commission. Pp 157-161. (Short Communication
  • Veronika, U.Edirisinghe, K.Sivashanthini, and A.R.S.B.Athauda. (2017). Length weight Relationships of Four Different seacucumber Species in North-East Coastal Region of Sri Lanka, Twenty Ninth Annual Congress of the PGIA, Pp. 34.
  • Gina Mareen., Serena Franciska Oldeboom., Douglas Omoruyi., Shobiya Paramasivam., and Joao Paulo Jorge., 2017. A global tourist information system to avoid marine litter in coastal areas, Proceedings of 9th International Tourism Congress Research Conference.pp.77
  • Tharmine, N., Sivashanthini, K. and Edirisinghe, U (2017). Socio Economic Status of Crab and Marketers in Navanthurai Fishing Village in Jaffna Estuary, Sri Lanka. Twenty Ninth Annual Congress of the PGIA, Pp. 36.
  • Sutharshiny, S., Sivashanthini, K., and Kalaivanan, K., (2017). Relative abundance of Cymothoa eremita (Brunnich, 1783) (Crustacea, Isopoda, Cymothoidae) in different Rabbitfishes from the Northern coastal waters of Sri Lanka. International Conference on Aquatic animal health and parasitic diseases.
  • Sasitharan, A., Sivashanthini, K., Gunaalan, K. and Vithanage, M. (2017). Algal growth mitigation in reservoir water: Implications of biochar for water treatment. The 4th International conference on fisheries and aquaculture. Pp 9.
  • M.D.Senathera Digamadula, K.Sivashanthini and A.C.Thavaranjit (2017). Physico-chemical effects on the in vitro growth of Saprolegnia isolate (oomycetes) at Sivanamman pond (Jaffna), Sri Lanka. International Conference on Aquatic animal health and parasitic diseases. 113.
  • Ashani, A., Sivashanthini, K.. Gunaalan, K and Vithanage, M. (2017). Algal growth mitigation in reservoir water: Implications of biochar for water treatment. The 4th International conference on Fisheries and Aquaculture. Pp 9.
  • Senatheradigamadulla, K.M.D, Thavaranjit, A.C. and Sivashanthini, K. (2016). Spatiality and species diversity of the critical seagrass population in the curvier basin of Jaffna Lagoon at coherent Mandaitheevu coastline. Proceeding of the 5th YSF Symposium. 24
  • Senatheradigamadulla, KMD, Thavaranjit, A.C. and Sivashanthini, K. (2016) Ecosystem Based Management Approach to sustain depleting seagrass beds at Mandaitheevu, Jaffna, Sri Lanka. The 3rd International Conference on fisheries and Aquaculture.10.
  • Sankalpa,D.M.R., Sivashanthini, K. and Thavaranjit, A.C., (2016) Microbial Abundance reference to the E.coli in the Water Column at Casurina reef, Jaffna Northern, Sri Lanka. International research symposium proceeding. 17,18 & 19th  October  2016. Colombo, Sri Lanka. 79.
  • Senatheradigamadulla, KMD, Thavaranjit, A.C. & Sivashanthini, K. (2015). Effects of KMnO4 and EDTA on the in vitro Growth of Saprolegnia spp. Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association. Twenty-second Annual Sessions (5th to 07th May 2015): 07 (Abstract).
  • Sivashanthini, K, Veronika, CK, Tharmine, A, Senatheradigamadulla, KMD, Sutharshiny, S, & Gunalan, K. (2015). Diversity indices of sea cucumber species in the Jaffna Lagoon, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the twenty-first scientific sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for fisheries and Aquatic resources: 35.
  • Logeswaran, S., Sivashanthini, K., Thavaranjit, A.C. and Sutharshiny, S.2015. Assessment of water quality and pollution level at kakaithivu Lagoon of Jaffna District. Northern Sri Lanka, Second National Symposium on Marine Environment – 2015, Marine Environmental Protection Authority. 40.
  • Sivashanthini, K., Sutharshiny, S., Gunaalan, K., Tharmine, A., Veronika, K. and Senatheradigamadulla, K.M.D., 2015. Spatial variation of physico-chemical parameters in selected areas of Jaffna Lagoon, Second National Symposium on Marine Environment – 2015, Marine Environmental Protection Authority. 26.
  • Tharmine, N., Sivashanthini, K. and Edirisinghe, U (2014). Length-weight relationship of blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) from the Navanthurai coastal region, Jaffna, Sri Lanka.Wayamba international conference-WinC 2014, (Abstract). Aceepted.
  • Patrick, A.E.S., Kuganathan, S. and Edirisinghe, U., 2014. Effects of Hydro-climatic Fluctuations on Catchability of Fish in a Medium Perrennial Vavuniya Reservoir, Sri Lanka. 26th Annual congress of the PGIA: (20th – 21st of November 2014): pp.70
  • Patrick, A.E.S., Kuganathan, S. and Edirisinghe, U., 2014. Linear morphometric phenomenon of Oreochromis niloticus in polluted location of Vavuniya tank, Sri Lanka. Proceeding of the Postgraduate Institute of Science Research Congress, Sri Lanka: (10th – 11th of October 2014): pp.84 (Abstract: Poster)
  • Thulasitha, W.S and Sivashanthini, K (2013). Estimation of growth parameters for tropical Scomberoides lysan (Carangidae). Proceeding and abstracts of 9th Ruhuna Science Symposium (9th of January 2013): pp.21(Abstract)
  • Sutharshiny, S and Sivashanthini, K (2013). Monthly changes in gonad, muscle and liver lipid of female Scomberoides lysan from Northern waters of Sri Lanka. Proceeding and abstracts of 9th Ruhuna Science Symposium (9th of January 2013) : pp.22 (Abstract)
  • Tharmine, N. and Sivashanthini, K. (2013). Checklist of Siganids from the Jaffna lagoon, Sri lanka. Proceeding and abstracts of 9th Ruhuna Science Symposium (9th of January 2013) : pp.34 (Abstract).
  • Thurka, R.Kasthuri, S and Sivashanthini, K (2013), Checklist of fishes and cephalopods of selected families collected from the Jaffna lagoon. Nara Scientific session, pp 16. (Abstract).
  • Priyatharshiny, T., Vajeenth, V. and Sivashanthini, K (2012). Growth Pattern and Length–Weight relationship Parameters for Scomberoides commersonianus (Lacepede, 1801) (Family: Carangidae) from the Point Pedro Waters, Sri Lanka. Jaffna Science Association. Nineteenth Annual Sessions (04th, 05th and 09th April 2012): 13 (Abstract).
  • Balini, K and Sivashanthini, K (2012). Studies on shark diversity in Point Pedro coastal sea, Northern part of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association. Nineteenth Annual Sessions (04th to 09th April 2012): 07 (Abstract).
  • Tharmine, N. and Sivashanthini, K. (2012). Economic and implications of fishery of live Scylla serrata (Forskal) at Navanthurai coastal area in Jaffna. Nara Scientific session, pp10. (Abstract)
  • Thulasitha, W.S and Sivashanthini, K (2012). Variation in condition factor in relation to spawning season of double spotted queen fish Scomberoides lysan from the Sri Lankan waters. International conference on Fisheries and Marine sciences 23rd -24th August 2012.Negombo, Sri Lanka. 11. (Abstract
  • Vivekshan Revel, S. Sivashanthini, K. and Thavaranjit, A.C. (2012). Prelimnary assessment of the status of commercially prepared salted and sundried fish Scomberoides commersionianus. Jaffna University International Research
  • Thulasitha, W.S and Sivashanthini, K (2012). Occurrence of Scomberoides lysan (Forsskal, 1775) (Pisces: Carangidae) in Relation to Ovarian Development. Jaffna University International Research Conference 20th – 21st July. Jaffna, Sri Lanka: 204. (Abstract).
  • Vivekshan Reval, S., Priyatharsini, T., Tharmine, N. and Sivashanthini, K. (2012). Preliminary studies on the status of fish fauna from Mandaitivu mangrove ecosystem, Jaffna, Sri Lanka. Nara Scientific session, pp 35.
  • Sutharshiny, S and Sivashanthini, K (2011). Changes in total lipid content in the flesh of different size Scomberoides lysan from waters around Jaffna peninsula. Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association. Eighteen Annual Sessions (06th to 08th April 2011): 08 (Abstract).
  • Thulasitha, W.S and Sivashanthini, K (2011). Preliminary studies on length weight relationship of Scomberoides lysan (Forsskal, 1775) (Pisces: Carangidae) from the Point Pedro coastal waters, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association. Eighteen Annual Sessions (06th to 08th April 2011): 10 (Abstract).
  • Ajantha, R and Sivashanthini, K (2011). Preliminary observations on the occurrence and species diversity of batoid fishes from waters around Jaffna peninsula. Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association. Eighteen Annual Sessions (06th to 08th April 2011): 07 (Abstract).
  • Charles, G. A. and Kuganathan. S. (2008). Preliminary studies on length – weight parameters of Sepioteuthis lessoniana (Cephalopoda: Teuthida) from the Jaffna lagoon, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association. Seventh Annual Session (07-09 May 08), Vol 15(1): 20 (Abstract).
  • Nadarajah, M., Kugathas, S and Kuganathan, S. (2008). Taxonomy and species diversity of family Carangidae [Pisces: Perciformes] from the Jaffna lagoon. Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association. Seventh Annual Session (07-09 May 08), Vol 15(1): 04 (Abstract).
  • Kanagaratnam, G and Kuganathan, S. (2008). Preliminary studies on biology of Sepia latimanus (Quoy and Gaimard, 1832), from the Jaffna lagoon. Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association. Seventh Annual Session (07-09 May 08), Vol 15(1): 11 (Abstract).
  • Sivaruban, A and Kuganathan. S. (2008). Feeds observed in the stomach of three marine snakes of Jaffna waters. Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association. Seventh Annual Session (07-09 May 08), Vol 15(1): 23 (Abstract).
  • T and Kuganathan. S. (2008). Preliminary studies on reproductive biology of squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana (Lesson, 1830). Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association. Seventh Annual Session (07-09 May 08): 22 (Abstract).
  • Kuganathan, S. (2006). Growth and mortality parameters of Gerres filamentosus (Cuvier). Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association. Sixth Annual Session (27-29 April 2006): 1(Abstract).


  • Kuganathan, S. (2006). Lipid content of different organs in Gerres filamentosus (Cuvier) during sexual maturity. Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association. Sixth Annual Session (27-29 April 06): 4 (Abstract).
  • Abyerami, B. and Sivashanthini, K. (2006). Status of the marine snakes with description of hitherto unrecorded Hydrophis fasciatus fasciatus (Schneider, 1799) from Jaffna Peninsula, Sri Lanka. Proc. Sri Lanka Assoc. fish and Aquat. Sci. Twelfth Annual Sesssion (29th June 2006): 07 (Abstract).
  • Kuganathan, S. (2006). Lipid content of different organs in Gerres abbreviatus during sexual maturity. Proc. Sri Lanka Assoc. fish and Aquat. Sci.Twelfth Annual Sesssion (29th June 2006): 37 (Abstract).
  • Kuganathan, S. (2006). Reproductive biology of silver biddy Gerres abbreviatus (Bleeker, 1850) from the Parangipettai waters, southeast coast of India. Proc. Sri Lanka Assoc. fish and Aquat. Sci. Twelfth Annual Sesssion (29th June 2006): 12 (Abstract).
  • Sivashanthini, K. (2006). Fatty acid profile of Gerres filamentosus Cuvier, 1829 in relation to maturity stages. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Sessions of the Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka: 35 (Abstract).
  • Kuganathan, S. (2005). Population dynamics of Gerres abbreviatus (Bleeker) from the Parangipettai waters, southeast coast of India. Proc. Sri Lanka Assoc. Fisheries and Aquatic resources. 11: 25 (Abstract).
  • Kuganathan, S. (2005). Histological study of gonads of a silver-biddy Gerres filamentosus (Pisces: Perciformes) from the Parangipettai waters, southeast coast of India. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Sessions of the Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka:  52 (Abstract).
  • Abyerami, B. and Sivashanthini, K. (2006). Scincid Lizards of Jaffna Peninsula with notes on Taxonomy and Ecology. International symposium of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka 4th to 8th July 2006:  290 (Abstract).
  • Abyerami, B. and Sivashanthini, K. (2006). Conservation and Species Diversity of Snakes in the Jaffna Peninsula – A View. International symposium of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka 4th to 8th July 2006:  292 (Abstract).
  • Varoopa, P. and Sivashanthini, K. (2006). Taxonomy and Species Diversity of Cephalopodos (Phylum: Mollusca) from the Jaffna Lagoon, Sri Lanka. International symposium of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka 4th to 8th July 2006:  291 (Abstract).


  • Chanthirica, R. and Sivashanthini, K. (2006). Species Diversity of Brachyuran Crabs from the Northern Region of Sri Lanka. International symposium of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka 4th to 8th July 2006:  297 (Abstract).
  • Sivashanthini, K. (2006). Breeding Biology of a Silver Biddy, Gerres  abbreviatus, Bleeker, 1850 from the Jaffna Lagoon, Sri Lanka. International symposium of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka 4th to 8th July 2006:  47 (Abstract).
  • Kugathas,S., Sivatharshan,Y. and Sivashanthini,K. (2006). Impact of post- tsunami rehabilitation activities on selective fishing in the Northern coast of Jaffna peninsula. International Forestry and Environment Symposium 22nd – 23rd December 2006. Kalutura, Sri Lanka: 56.


1.Sivashanthini, K. [2014]. Sea cucumbers: Status and culture potential. pp 102. ISBN:



2.Silver Jubilie Magazine. Jaffna Science Association 1991/92 to 2017/18. Compiled and edited by Prof.Mrs.S.Kuganathan. pp 113.


3.Sivashanthini, K. [2014]. Sea cucumbers: Status and culture potential. pp 102. ISBN: 978-955-0585-04-5.  (IUCN MFF grant No MFF98).


  1. Sivashanthini, K. and Thulasitha, W.S. [2012]. Sea cucumbers: Important species, biology and economic importance. pp 79. ISBN: 978-955-99661-4-2. [In Tamil]


  1. Kuganathan, S. [2009]. Sharks: Important species, biology and economic importance. pp 52. ISBN: 978-955-99661-2-8. [In Tamil}


6.Charles, G.A. and Kuganathan, S. [2008]. The squid body. pp 44. ISBN: 978-955-9194- 15-6


7.Kuganathan, S. [2007]. Proceedings of the workshop on Sustainable Fisheries Development in northern waters of Sri Lanka. Held on 20th and 21st November 2007 at Department of Zoology, University of Jaffna. Published by Department of Zoology, University of Jaffna. 72 pp. ISBN: 955-9194-13-5


8.Kuganathan, S. [2007]. A Monograph on marine crabs of Point Pedro coast. pp 40. ISBN: 978-955-99661-0-4


9.Kuganathan, S. (2006). A teacher‟s manual in Zoology, Summary of the workshop held on 16th March 2006 for G.C.E. (A/L) Biology Teachers at Department of Zoology, University of Jaffna. Published by Department of Zoology, University of Jaffna. 124 pp. ISBN: 955-9194-12-7

1.Kuganathan, S. (2012). Development of Fisheries sector in the Northenr Sri Lanka. In Geographical aspects of the Northern Province. Edited by Prof. S. T. B. Rajeswaran,  Harkanan (Pvt.) Ltd., Jaffna, November, 2012. pp 117-132.

2.Kuganathan, S. (2005). “Measurements for identification of fishes, growth and factors influencing them”. In Fisheries and Aquaculture (In Tamil). Edited by Dr. K. Chitravadivelu, Bharathy Printers, November, 2005. pp 21-27.


4.Short Communication

  1. Kalaivanan, K., Sutharshiny, S and Sivashanthini, K., 2018. Comparative study on bycatch of selected small-scale fisheries in Jaffna, Sri Lankan. Proceedings of the 7th YSF Symposium, National Science and Technology Commission. Pp 62-65.
  2. Sutharshiny, S, C. Shobana and Sivashanthini, K., 2018. Aerobic bacterial count and sensory properties of Penaeus semisulcatus During refrigerated storage. Proceedings of the 7th YSF Symposium, National Science and Technology Commission. Pp 157-161.
  3. Saruga, S. Sivashanthini, K. and S Sutharshiny, 2018. A study on characteristics of sediment feature of mangrove, Proceedings of 8th International Symposium. 52-60
  4. Saruga, K., Sivashanthini, K. and Sutharshiny, S., 2023. Analysis of nutritive value of indigenous livestock feed ingredients in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 1(1), pp.56-66
  5. Sutharshiny, S., Deepthi, I.U., Sivapriya, S., Prasanthan, R. and K Sivashanthini. (2024). Effect of an experimental diet enriched with palmyrah fruit on the immune challenge in guppy fish. 12th YSF Symposium. 12(1). 134-139.


  1. Sathyaruban, 2023. Ethical consideration to use of fish in research. JSA Newsletter. 14.
  2. Sathyaruban, 2023. Happiness formula. Yaarlin thedal. 26-28.
  3. Sutharshiny, S., [2022]. Colorful tropical fish lead researcher to Norway. Nor-lanka blue newsletter. https://blue2023.weebly.com/news.html
  4. Sutharshiny, S., [2022]. Overview of the freshwater ornamental fish industry in Sri Lanka. JSA Newsletter. November.
  5. Sutharshiny, , [2017]. Conservation and restoration of coastal ecosystems through coastal blue carbon motivation. Kadalozai 07.
  6. Sutharshiny, [2016]. Are jellyfish blooms a warning sign of worsening ocean health? Kadalozai (VI). Pp. 1- 10.
  7. Sutharshiny, (2015). Adaptations of deep sea fishes. Valampuri. 21-05-2015.
  8. Sutharshiny, (2010). The nutrition in Carangids fish species. Valampuri. 08-06-2012.
  9. Sutharshiny, S. (2010). Critical status of sea turtles and their conservations. Valampuri. 05- 02-2010.